Seenons and Dutch Government start 6 year partnership for circular waste management
Blog 05@3x

Tech platform Seenons and the Dutch Government start 6 year partnership for circular waste management at diverse organisations, including the Council of Amsterdam and the Dutch Social Insurance Bank, at 475 locations in The Netherlands.

Amsterdam, 17 January 2022 – The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate have decided that waste transport at 475 locations in The Netherlands should be efficient, transparent and sustainable. The tech platform Seenons is the official party who will make this positive impact possible. It entails the re-organisation of how waste is collected at different influential Government organisations such as the Council of Amsterdam and the Dutch Social Insurance bank.

In the first place the goal of the partnership is to work with Seenons towards the sustainable transport of waste. During the 6 year partnership there will be an increasingly circular use of materials that now mostly are lost as company waste.

At the moment the waste from the different Government locations ends up in the hands of the same logistics partner who transports and processes the waste. There is little insight into where the waste ends up and is mostly processes as residual waste. Apart from the fact that the transport and processing of waste have a negative impact on the environment, many valuable materials are also being lost. This will change from 1st January 2023.

The Dutch Government has chosen Seenons to set up sustainable logistics for most of the waste streams. Seenons is an important tech player in the waste industry and is able to help the Government to reduce its environmental impact. At all the 475 locations the waste logistics will be set up in a way that all waste streams are matched to an efficient and sustainable logistics partner via the Seenons Platform. The Dutch Government will ensure that the separated streams end up at the right processor. In this way the waste will be processed in the most efficient, effective and circular way.

We are standing at the start of a very valuable and long partnership with the Dutch Government and we will work together on improving and growing towards a completely sustainable waste management. Right now there is still the challenge of efficiently  processing the different waste streams after they have been collected by the different logistics partners. This is for example due to the specific locations spread throughout The Netherlands where the processors are based (think of driving as few kilometers as possible). In every area we want to be as transparent as possible about where the waste is from and ending up.”

The whole team is looking forward to making a significant sustainable impact together with all the locations. It would be great if we are also able to inspire other organisations to set up waste logistics and processing in a sustainable way, on their way to circular waste management.’
– Joost Kamermans, CEO & co-founder Seenons

Maurice Goudsmith, Waste and materials manager, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate

“The choice to work with Seenons was very carefully made. To reorganise our waste logistics and processing is an important part of our sustainability goals. We can make a significant impact with this. Aside from the tech expertise Seenons offers by being able to match each location and waste stream with the right logistics partner, they are also able to give us the insights into the environmental impact. In the end their tech expertise can also help us to find the right processors. All in all it enables us to run our processes more efficiently and also make smarter procurement decisions. Through buying and using waste is created. We are looking forward to working together and the path we are taking towards our sustainable goals.

Maurice goudsmith rijksoverheid

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